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film adhesion中文是什么意思

用"film adhesion"造句"film adhesion"怎么读"film adhesion" in a sentence


  • 膜层附着力


  • The development of a new apparatus for measuring thin film adhesion to substrates
  • Lots of experiment results showed that proper pretreatments could reduce the negative influences of co binder phase in the substrates and improve the diamond nucleation and film adhesion , and this obtain ideal film quality
  • Film adhesion strong resistance wash ( wash 12000 coating without damage ) , waterproof , anti - mold , repair reapplied good , yes facades , roofs , as well as the durability of building materials preferred protection decorative materials , construction products wall fluor - carbon painting , renovation of the old marble tiles fluor - carbon painting , fake metal fluor - carbon painting , such as construction of single fluor - carbon painting
    漆膜附着力强,耐洗刷(洗刷12000次涂膜无破损) 、防水、防霉、修补再涂性能良好,是建筑物外墙、屋顶,以及各种建材首选的耐久性装饰保护材料,主要产品有建筑外墙氟碳漆、旧瓷砖理石翻新氟碳漆、仿金属氟碳漆、建筑单组份氟碳漆等。
用"film adhesion"造句  


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